Badgemore Park reopens the golf course to Club members…

with free golf for local NHS staff! 

Following The Prime Ministers announcement of the slight easing of restrictions last week, Badgemore Park was able to reopen the golf course from Wednesday 12th May.  Members of the club can now take their daily exercise as long as strict social distancing rules are adhered to. In addition to welcoming members back, and as a thank you to all local NHS workers who live in Henley and the surrounding villages, the Club has decided to offer complimentary golf to any local NHS worker until the end of July.

“After 50 days of complete closure it was fantastic to welcome our members back to play golf on a course in fantastic condition. However we also wanted to say a big thank you to all NHS staff for the amazing work they’ve been undertaking during the pandemic in what is clearly very stressful circumstances. Reopening with just 48 hours of notice was a bit of a challenge but we managed to put together our “Play Safe, Stay Safe” social distancing protocols which follows guidance from the Golf governing bodies who have been liaising closely with the relevant Government department. Under those guidelines golf is restricted to two ball play so the course has been very busy with a large percentage of the tee times booked from 7am right through to 6pm at night. I must also thank our fantastic Greenkeeping team who were our key workers during the lockdown period. They have done an amazing job and the course is a picture with many favourable comments being received from the members”.

Jon Connell, Managing Director of Badgemore Park

Although the Club has kept the course to members only initially, as the demand from members returns to more normal levels we hope, in the not too distant future, to be able to open up a few tee times to members’ guests and local visitors in the afternoon. As a result of golf being one of the few sports where restrictions have been eased membership enquiries have been exceptionally high and Badgemore Park has welcomed a number of new members to the club, who may well be working from home at the moment and wishing to take advantage of the fine spell of weather we are currently experiencing.

“Many members have commented on how nice it is to not only be able to enjoy a different form of exercise but have also said what a great relief it has been to be able to see some different friendly faces for a few hours for the first time in 7 weeks. Clearly opening up the number of sports where it is relatively easy to ensure sensible social distancing measures is likely to have a very positive impact on the wellbeing of all who are able to take part in these sports.” Jon added.

Next week, Head Golf Professional Martin Woodbridge, will be resuming 1-to-1 outdoor golf coaching and the Personal Trainers for the gym at the club have also been allowed under Government guidelines to reintroduce 1-to-1 PT sessions, which will again take place outside in the picturesque Walled Garden at the club. For further information about golf and fitness coaching you can email the club on

Any local NHS worker wishing to take advantage of this complimentary golf offer at Badgemore Park should call the club on 01491 637324 to arrange a game.